Sleep Tips for Kids
1 min read

Sleep Tips for Kids

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Let’s Make Bedtime Better

Wondering why your little buddy isn’t sleeping well? The Stanford Sleep Lab shared some super cool tips that might help your body.

Discover the key to a good night's sleep for your little one– no screens before bed, keep sleep schedule, and create cozy sleep environment.

1. Bye-Bye Screens!

Did you know phones and tablets can mess up sleep? The light they give off makes it hard for your body to know it’s bedtime. Try taking a break from screens at least one hour before bedtime. Read a book or do something calm instead.

2. Keep a Sleep Schedule!

Discover the key to a good night's sleep for your little one– no screens before bed, keep sleep schedule, and create cozy sleep environment.

Different bedtimes confuse your body. The scientists say pick a bedtime and stick to it every day, even on weekends. This helps your body know when it’s time to sleep, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up feeling awesome.

3. Cozy Room, Happy Sleep!

Make your room comfy! Is it too bright or too hot? The Stanford Sleep Lab says a cool room with dim lights is key. Use curtains that block out light if it’s too bright. And make sure your bed is cozy with nice blankets and pillows.

Try these tips for better sleep! It’s important for you to get enough rest. When you sleep well, you’ll have more energy for fun and learning.



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